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320 water purification filters for medical institutions in Kherson region

320 water purification filters for medical institutions in Kherson region

320 water purification filters were distributed to medical institutions in Kherson region, including the Bilozersky Primary Health Care Center, city and regional clinical hospitals, and the city's 2nd level perinatal center.

Unfortunately, there is still a high demand for clean drinking water in the region, so the SaveUA team continues to provide the population and medical workers with the necessary water purification equipment.

Together with our regular partners Rotary Club Estoi Palace International, Nazava, De Leeuw Kyiv, we provide people with filters that allow them to turn industrial and river water into drinkable water.

In total, with the support of our partners, as of September 2023, the foundation's team has provided 16,000 water purification filters to residents of Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia regions.