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The EU will not cancel the preferential trade regime for Ukrainian farmers

Ukrainian agrarians received unequivocal support from the EU to maintain further preferential trade regime between the countries

Дата публікації: 01.02.2023
Категорія: Наші новини
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64 dairy farms in Kharkiv region receive humanitarian aid

The SAVE UA Charity Fund team cooperates with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine within the framework of a Swiss humanitarian project, thanks to which dairy farms in Kharkiv region received the necessary means to ensure the hygiene of milk production.

Дата публікації: 31.01.2023
Категорія: Наші новини
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We continue to work towards attracting medical assistance

The SAVE UA team have delivered medical aid to the Kherson Regional Oncology Center and some important medical equipment to the Sinelnikov Central City Hospital in Dnipropetrovsk region.  

Дата публікації: 24.01.2023
Категорія: Наші новини
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Andriy Dykun addressed the Chair of the European Parliament's Agricultural Committee on maintaining preferential trade regime with the EU for Ukraine

The reason for the appeal to the European Parliament Committee was the statement of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Poland Janusz Kowalski regarding the meeting of the EU Council of Ministers of Agriculture, which is scheduled to discuss Poland's proposal to renew duties on corn, chicken, and apples from Ukraine, as well as strict control of all grain imports from Ukraine.

Дата публікації: 24.01.2023
Категорія: Наші новини
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We have delivered 72 tons of fertilizers for agricultural enterprises in Kherson region

The SAVE UA team and the Ukrainian Agri Council, in cooperation with donors from Slovakia, donated 72 tons of fertilizers to agricultural enterprises in the Velyka Oleksandrivka village community in Kherson Oblast.

Дата публікації: 21.01.2023
Категорія: Наші новини
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Results of the SAVE UA Foundation for 2022

The SAVE UA team has been helping to restore and preserve farms in all territories controlled by Ukraine since the first day of the war because our farmers are a guarantee of national and global food security.

Дата публікації: 29.12.2022
Категорія: Наші новини
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Andriy Dykun and Boris Johnson discussed the possibility of creating a fund to help Ukrainian farmers

The head of the Ukrainian Agri Council (UAC) and Charity Fund SAVE UA Andriy Dykun and the director of the Ukrainian National Agrarian Forum Mariia Didukh met with the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson. The meeting was initiated and organized by the UAC team. The meeting was initiated and organized by the UAC team to discuss assistance to Ukrainian farmers during the war. 

Дата публікації: 19.12.2022
Категорія: Наші новини
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2640 balanced food sets are to be delivered to the affected Ukrainians by Christmas (25.12), in just 10 days!

SAVEUA team and the Ukrainian Agrі Council (UAC) feed the affected regions, so we are constantly looking for opportunities to help, acting as quickly as possible. Today our ambitious goal is to deliver 2640 balanced food sets to the affected Ukrainians by Christmas (25.12), in just 10 days!

Дата публікації: 15.12.2022
Категорія: Наші новини
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SAVEUA team distributed an ultrasound machine to the Kherson City Clinical Hospital

SAVEUA team distributed an ultrasound machine to the Kherson City Clinical Hospital named after Karabelesh. From now on, Kherson doctors, who were left without medical equipment due to the occupiers, will be able to perform ultrasound examination of the heart (echocardiography). The device detects cardiac problems at an early stage. We sincerely thank our partners Nova Ukraine, CardioStart International, DAWN, as well as the "Kherson Is Ukraine" Foundatioт for their help.

Дата публікації: 01.12.2022
Категорія: Наші новини
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Uman Central City Hospital and Multidisciplinary Hospital of Mankivka received 124,000 units of medical supplies.

A huge batch of humanitarian aid was distributed to two hospitals in Uman district by one of our parent companies - UkrainianAgriCouncil and SAVEUA team. Uman Central City Hospital and Multidisciplinary Hospital of Mankivka received 124,000 units of medical supplies: infusion solutions, catheters, syringes, suture materials, medicines and other necessary items.

Дата публікації: 25.11.2022
Категорія: Наші новини
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